
What is Orthopedics - Tuina?

The Tuina techniques are based on an in-depth insight and understanding of human anatomical and physiological knowledge.

In China, the human body is regarded as a network of energy channels (the meridians). That network contains and transports the life energy (Qi) through the body, maintains it, nourishes it and lets it live. This network connects the outside of the body with the inside, the organs.

Because the meridians are on the surface, the condition of the internal organs can be influenced by massaging the energy points present on them. Of course, complaints that are directly related to the skin can also be treated in this way.

Tuina uses techniques such as rubbing, pressing, kneading, twisting, squeezing, twisting movements, tapping, etc., whereby the therapist uses his fingers, palms, fists and elbows. Tuina massage also has many varied manipulation techniques. The root-cause of the disease and the patient's complaints dictate which technique is applied.

It all seems rather rough and powerful, but if you see a good Garden Therapist at work, it is more ballet and primal dance that takes place on your body. Moreover, that is how it feels.
Tuina improves the health of both the body structure and the musculoskeletal system. It has a positive influence on the nervous system, so that the life energy flows through the body as it should. In this way, pain can be managed and the musculoskeletal system can be ensured that it functions normally. In addition, Tuina significantly improves the resistance of the body. A Tuina treatment also has the effect of expelling toxins from the body.

Tuina massage is also often used with small children. In a child, the meridian system is not fully developed until about 6 years of age. The energy points are very close together so that they are difficult to influence individually. After that, a meridian massage is better suited.